Economic Analysis for Business Decisions

GraduateTutor has more for you! Our latest introduction is homework help and tutoring in Economic Analysis for Business Decisions-15.010 & 15.011, (Fall 2004)’. This is an offering from the Sloan School of Business through the MIT Open Courseware program.  Our EMBA team reports that this is possibly a topic of particular interest to EMBAs due to its application in business decisions.

MIT’s Open Courseware (OCW) is of great interest to Graduate Tutor as it is a giant step towards our vision of making learning easier. In the recent past Graduate Tutor has introduced tutoring for a few MIT’s OCW programs. We are happy to be providing homework help and tutoring for MIT’s OCW and we plan on introducing more tutoring and homework help topics soon.

The economics tutors at Graduate are MBAs, CPAs or CFAs and can cover ‘Economic Analysis for Business Decisions-15.010 & 15.011, (Fall 2004)’ thoroughly for students needing some homework help or tutoring support. Our economics tutors tutor students from a number of top business schools and are delighted to tutor students of Sloan School of Business, ‘Economic Analysis for Business Decisions-15.010 & 15.011, (Fall 2004) OCW program.

We hope to continue introducing topics from MIT’s OCW and make learning easier!

Data, Models, and Decisions (MIT 15.060)

As an attempt to make learning easier and enjoyable, Graduate Tutor had decided to include Open Courseware (OCW) programs into its wide range of topics for homework help and tutoring!

In the recent past Graduate Tutor had included topics from Sloan School of Business into its array of topics for tutoring and homework help. Today, with great excitement, we formally announce the inclusion of Sloan School of Business’ ‘Data, Models, and Decisions-15.060 (Fall 2007)’, into our tutoring support list.

MIT’s Open courseware is a major contribution to people who wish to learn and enhance their knowledge. Our Statistics Tutor group wants to add their bit by making learning statistics and enjoyable process! All of us at GraduateTutor congratulate and thank the Statistics Tutor Group in this effort.

Graduate Tutor’s expert tutors consist of MBA, CPAs or CFAs with remarkable tutoring skills in accounting and finance as seen in business schools. Currently our statistics tutors cater to students from a number of top business schools and we are confident with their capability to tutor MIT’s open courseware (OCW).

‘Data, Models, and Decisions-15.060 (Fall 2007)’ is just one of the many topics that we plan to provide tutoring in. We hope to widen our spectrum and provide tutoring support to more programs included in MIT’s open courseware.

Enjoy learning!

Reuben South’s Business School Blog

Getting into a B School is no easy task! The process of selecting colleges, the long application forms, GMAT etc is an arduous and challenging task. The one way out is to seek friends or relatives who have been or are at a B School.

Another great option is read MBA student blogs.  The insight shared by these MBA bloggers who discuss b-school life is very valuable!

One such MBA blogger is Reuben South at ‘Back to Business School’. He shares every bit of his MBA life! Right from when the thought an MBA struck his mind to the completion of his First year.  He has something to say about every aspect of life as far as an MBA is concerned. Be it the course structure adopted, exams, blackberry, and challenges of balancing business school, work, and marriage…Reuben South has a post in his blog!

Enjoy Reuben South’s business school blog while learning more about live in b-school.

Next Test: Value of $125,000-a-Year Teachers

Interesting article in today’s NYT.

Zeke M. Vanderhoek, the founder of the Equity Project, believes that top quality teachers are the key to high performing schools.  His assumption  is that more than curriculum, labs, technology, etc, it is the quality of teachers that make for quality learning.

We agree! 🙂  High quality tutors = High quality learning.

And that is why we staff our ranks with high quality tutors and focus on students and professionals who really value learning.  Maintaining quality is not a ‘low cost’ play and that is why Mr. Vanderhoek pays $125k per annum salaries.  So if you wonder why our rates are not cheaper, it does cost money to attract the quality tutors we provide.

Thanks for learning with us!

15.501 / 15.516 Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting (Spring 2004

As part of GraduateTutor’s vision to make learning easier, we are officially beginning to provide homework help and tutoring for a range of Open Courseware (OCW) programs. We will begin by provide homework help and tutoring for MIT’s Sloan School of Business’ 15.501 / 15.516 Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting (Spring 2004).

Graduate Tutor’s accounting tutor group consists of MBAs and CPAs who currently tutor students from a number of top business schools and are well placed to tutor students learning from MIT’s Open courseware (OCW).

The Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting course is only the start and we hope to provide tutoring support to many more Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting courses soon.  We have a very strong pool of Financial Accounting tutors and Managerial Accounting tutors and hope that you will be able to enjoy learning with our Accounting tutor group.

Finance for entrepreneurs starting a business

What do entrepreneurs need to understand about finance!?  Why do they need finance tutoring!?

Often people think starting a business is simple.  It is simple in many ways but as you get further into the business, there are important decisions to be made that will impact the long term sustainability, profitability and returns of the business / owners / investors.  Here is a sample of terms you need to know when structuring investments:

  • Pay to Play
  • Anti-Dilution
  • Liquidation Preference
  • Protective Provisions
  • Information Rights
  • Registration Rights
  • Redemption Right
  • Conversion
  • Right of First Refusal
  • Restriction on Sales
  • Voting Rights
  • Vesting
  • Employee Pool
  • Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement
  • Indemnification
  • Initial Public Offering Shares Purchase
  • Precedent Conditions to Financing
  • Drag

Be smart.  Work with our finance tutor or our accounting tutor to get the basics right.  Small decisions could make a large impact!

OpenCourseWare (OCW) Tutoring Support

We have always been a supporter of open education and open courseware.  GraduateTutor is glad to now announce that we will formally begin offering tutoring services to MBA/business open courseware programs as well.  Students learning on their own might find that they are stuck on a specific point or need help with a specific topic.  Since open courseware students often do not have access to the faculty of these universities and associate resources, they can access GraduateTutor’s expert faculty for assistance. 


While MIT’s Open courseware and Open Yale Courses are the most famous there are a lot of other universities that participate in the Open course ware movement.  The following is sample list of participating universities in the US.

We congratulate the above universities for making available their valuable knowledge and resources to students worldwide.  We have also reached out to the Open Courseware Consortium to see how we can do our bit to spread open education.

PS:  Note that we do not have the resources to support the wide range of subjects the above universities offer, we will start with accounting homework and tutoring, finance homework and tutoring, economics homework and tutoring and statistics homework and tutoring before expanding onto other topics.

EMBA homework help & tutoring?

EMBAs (executive MBAs) and PMBAs (professional/part time MBAs) like our service.   And many EMBAs and PMBAs have written in to express their satisfaction with Graduate Tutor’s homework help and tutoring service.  We have asked ourselves, why EMBAs and PMBAs find Graduate Tutor’s homework help and tutoring service particularly valuable and have the following to offer:

Quality: High quality tutoring is guaranteed at Graduate Tutor.  Unlike many undergraduate students or full time MBAs, executive MBAs have a severe constraint on time.  They do not want to try various tutors available online or on campus before the settle in on a quality tutor.

Convenience: No travel involved! They can study from home/office/School.  They can study at anytime (almost) – late night – when they are back from work and their kids have gone to sleep or early morning – before anyone is up or work begins.

Confidentiality: No one else needs to know!

Desire to learn vs. Get through the exam: Many undergraduates and MBAs just want to get through the exam!  Unfortunately, the focus is on just getting an MBA and finding a job.  EMBAs and PMBAs know how important and applicable a subject like accounting, finance or statistics is in a senior executive’s life and want to understand the content being studied.

Personalized service: We provide a personalized permium service.  EMBAs and PMBAs appreciate the personalized service more and are willing to pay for it.

If you know any other reasons, plese do let us know.

Do study sites make the Grade? today has an article titled “Do study sites make the Grade?”. It mentions a few services that provides homework & exam solutions, past papers, etc. to students.

Running these services may be (not sure!) completely within the law. However, is aiding those who do not abide by the honor codes, morally right/legal?

At GraduateTutor, our policy is very clear. We will not help students cheat by doing their homework or writing exams or papers. We will tutor students on the concepts they need in order to do their homework and do well in their exams. We believe that we would be robbing or stealing students’ learning experience if we were to help them cheat.

Students try to work around our guidelines in a variety of ways. Our tutors have express instructions to refuse students trying to cheat. See a recent email exchange with a student.

Dear (Name withheld),

This looks like an exam! We are not a homework solutions provider and do not do exams for students. What we do is teach students the concepts so that they can do their homework themselves. Our rates are $50/hour.

In other words, we will be happy to teach you what you need to solve this problem but cannot mail you this problem. If it takes only 30 minutes, it will cost you only $25, if it takes an hour $50 and so on.

Do let us know if this is what you are looking for.


GT team

It is more diffcult as a business owner when it means you have to contend with lower profits and revenues. Fine arguments will not change facts. Each individual/company has to clarify what values they wish to live with.

We hope to counter the loss of revenue from assisting students cheat by working with universities directly to provide their students tutoring services.