Learn Valuation from NYU’s Stern School of Business’ Prof. Damodaran


I had emailed you last year to let you know about Prof. Damodaran putting his content online for anyone around the world interested in learning finance! Prof. Damodran has just started his next course “Valuation” and has again opened it up for anyone interested in learning. While he had only offered it on Coursekit (now lore.com) last year, he has made it more accessible this year by putting it on three other channels iTunesU, youtube via Symynd  and NYU/Stern website. You can click on these links to join the course. Or visit his blog post to read more and join the program online.  Please take this opportunity to master an important area in corporate finance: Valuation.

While we are on the subject of valuation, I wanted to highlight a cool info-graphic on Valuation using the Discounted Cash Flow Method (DCF). It should give you a good recap of what DCF valuation is about.

Enjoy learning.

Senith Mathews
Make Learning Easier