Senith Mathews is the founder of Having seen many MBA classmates struggle with their quantitative subjects and having tutored some of them, Senith saw first-hand the need for high quality tutoring services. About two years ago, he felt technology developments had made it feasible to provide tutoring services online and so began to …
Author Archives: admin
Liz’s MBA finance tutoring experience
We love hearing from out students! See Liz’s experience with Graduate Tutor in her own words. “Today was my first session with and I was pleasantly surprised. I am a seasoned marketing executive but I have never really had a good grasp of finance. But after two sessions I felt that I really had a a …
Financial assistance from colleges
The WSJ reports on more colleges provideing students financial aid. Colleges must also help weak students with tutoring support where possible. Some of our students have had to discountinue their tutoring programs despite needing help badly due to financial hardships. Some universities hear the pain and are sponsoring or subsidizing tutoring costs for week students. …
Buy An Internship? Is this fair?
The current economic situation is causing new developments. This WSJ article talks about students & parents buying internships and raises a good question: Does this give wealthy students an unfair advantage? Yes it does! We extend that question and ask: Is this fair? Who is responsible to maintain fairness here? Clearly this is not fair …
More women in EMBA programs?
See related article in the WSJ. While it will be difficult to close the gap, those that put in the right efforts will see results. We at are committed to assisting women MBA students by providing them the tutoring support they need. We will be willing to work with MBA schools to offer them …
Evidence: Online tutoring is effective!
Online tutoring is effective. See evidence from a different industry.
Tutoring in 2009 – ‘Make Learning Easier’
Graduate Tutor’s annual letter to students wishing students success in 2009 and summarizing the priorities for Graduate Tutor in the coming months.
What Graduate Tutor will not do!
We get a lot of questions on what does Graduate Tutor do? The short answer is that we provide live online private tutoring. Click here to read more on the type of service we provide MBA students and business executives. We abide by generally accepted university honor codes. Sometimes to fully understand what we do, it is …
Where is Graduate Tutor Located?
Since this is one of the most common questions we get and we hope to update this information as often as necessary, we have added a page rather than a post on this topic. Read more about Graduate Tutor locations here.
About Graduate Tutor .com
Graduate Tutor story and key events.