The MBA program is a challenge!

Teddy Roosevelt, April 23rd 1910, Hang on and persevere. This MBA program will be over soon and you will be enjoying the benefits of being an MBA graduate! In the meantime, if our MBA tutors including accounting tutors, finance tutors, statistics tutors, economic tutors, operations management tutors, etc can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Private tutoring does make learning a lot easier and faster.

Support Haiti Relief and Recovery Efforts

The survivors of the devastating earthquake in Haiti need our immediate help. These first 48 hours determines how many lives we can save. Together, we can help communities get back on their feet.  The Clinton Foundation lists several places you can donate.  You can also text “HAITI” to “20222” and $10 will automatically be donated and charged …

Impact of the downturn on MBA students, MBA schools

The has an interesting article on the impact of the downturn on MBA schools and MBA students. Unlike many other articles that just state that the number of students or applicants have increased, this one has tried to go deeper. They still have no specific numbers nor have they tried to guesstimate it.  But …

Interview preparation for MBA students

MBA tutoring is our primary focus.  We however provide our MBA students a variety of other services in addition to MBA tutoring including interview preparation assistance and specialized niches such as case interview practice sessions with industry professionals. Yesterday’s NYT has an interesting article on alumni turning back to their college career centers for help …

MBA Tutoring Plans & Challenges

We have been in the MBA tutoring space for more than 2 years now. Our focus areas and the challenges we face are different as time goes on. To give you a glimpse of what our plans for the year are and the challenges we expect, I post highlights from our most recent annual letter …

Writing Business Plans

Today’s WSJ has an article on a trend in business schools these days. With jobs few, business grads are turning into entrepreneurship. This is in our opinion, a good trend. Entrepreneurship will teach them a number of things that a regular job will not – and quickly. Business plans, cash-flow management, customer service, value to …