Sports & Education: Pros and Cons

This is an ongoing debate. One that requires serious study and more empirical studies. One that is very important given the money and time pour society spends on sports.  As CPA, CFA and MBA tutors our focus is on helping students with finance, accounting, statistics, etc but we also want to help them truly evolve as individuals. So …

Yes to Open Source Textbooks

Senate leader Darrell Steinberg’s is proposing funding  to bring digital open source textbooks to California. We say Yes to open source text books. Costs of education have been going up in the country and anything to help students lower the costs of education is a move in the right direction. It will be better for …

Improving learning: Especially Online Learning

GraduateTutor’s mission is simply to ‘Make Learning Easier”.  Currently we do this by provide private tutoring which is one one one to students around the country and other parts of the world. As online learning has exploded, there has been a lot of debate about the quality of learning provided by the hundreds of online …

Learning Online Advances further with more innovation from MIT

MIT has just launched MITx. MITx will be a learning platform that hosts a number of MIT courses online. It will be interactive and free to students from around the world. MITx will also enable students to grade themselves on the subjects too. What is truly innovate IMHO is that they will allow student to show their …

Support for students with Learning Disabilities

The WSJ has an interesting article on students with disabilities. You can see from the large number of comments that this is a sensitive topic! has always supported MBA, CPA and CFA students with learning disabilities with tutoring support. We will continue to expand our skills in this area and are actively exploring this …

Honest thinking from Warren Buffett: Taxation

Taxation is a sensitive topic (so is tax tutoring – if we may add a little). It’s not often that you hear someone say ‘tax me some more’! And it’s not often that you come across someone who thinks honestly. Warren Buffett is truly someone who thinks honestly. Be it disputing finance theory or saying …

Free tuition with the “Illinois Back to Work” program

This is wonderful news and so we thought we must share it with our readers. Benedictine University is helping people out of work study – tuition free. More specifically, they are offering to cover students’  tuition and fees after all eligible state and federal aid is applied. Yes, there are limitations. The “Illinois Back to Work” program is …

Get your paper graded by a computer!

Jeffrey R. Young writes about external graders and even computers grading papers and assignment in some universities. The two examples provided are not business schools. Read the full article here. Its very interesting and brings out some great points in support for the practice. I especially agree that it will reduce the grade inflation. See …

Data analysis: Evidence of ‘Statistics is everywhere’!

Data analysis is everywhere. In-fact, our Statistics Tutor Group’s moto is really ‘Statistics is everywhere’!  Here is more evidence (pun intended 😉 This excellent piece by Ed Young in the Discover Magazine blog shows how statistics can be applied everywhere!  Ed uses statistics to show that even judges with all their intellectual powers and years …