student loans have now surpassed credit card loans. So please manage them just like you would any other debt. has a few suggestions. Go to a college you can afford! Take the core classes from a community college and transfer credits go to a brand name college for the later part
Tag Archives: Business plans
MBAs & the Economics of Cows
We truly believe that MBA programs (good ones) are worth every dollar you spend on them and are easily one of the best masters’ programs out there (for most people). One of the reasons is that an MBA program is very versatile.
MBA Tutoring Plans & Challenges
We have been in the MBA tutoring space for more than 2 years now. Our focus areas and the challenges we face are different as time goes on. To give you a glimpse of what our plans for the year are and the challenges we expect, I post highlights from our most recent annual letter …
Writing Business Plans
Today’s WSJ has an article on a trend in business schools these days. With jobs few, business grads are turning into entrepreneurship. This is in our opinion, a good trend. Entrepreneurship will teach them a number of things that a regular job will not – and quickly. Business plans, cash-flow management, customer service, value to …
Finance for entrepreneurs starting a business
What do entrepreneurs need to understand about finance!? Why do they need finance tutoring!? Often people think starting a business is simple. It is simple in many ways but as you get further into the business, there are important decisions to be made that will impact the long term sustainability, profitability and returns of the …
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How to start a business: Business plans assists b-school students with tutoring in a variety of subjects. We are now thrilled to formally launch our business plan tutoring services. There has been a spurt of new entrepreneurs and we want to do our bit to support them. See this special report on entrepreneurship in The latest edition of The Economist. According …