Most of us as MBA tutors or MBA students, buy plenty of books from Here is a little gift from and Living Social. Buy a $20 gift card for $10! Thats a 50% discount for you.
Amazon picked up small stake in Living social for $175 million last year to get a toehold in the local deals space. The valuation and size of the stake were not disclosed. I wondered why would not build this themself given the traffic they already generate on their website!
This is a great promo as it serves as a great marketing tool for both companies but more Living Social (IMHO). Im sure has done their analysis to figure out the $20 value. Probably most people spent on average more than $20 on a purchase there (we do – business/management text books are expensive!).
Enjoy the deal. This doesn’t compare to student aid but Im picking up a gift card. 🙂