As MBA tutors, we are part of the entire education system. Although our current focus is limited to tutoring MBA, CPA, CFA students and other professionals, education overall is close to our hearts and one that we track. Gordon Brown has been an ambassador of education for all. He spoke recently about an unfulfilled education promise of the developed world.
According to the report “Education for all: Beating poverty, unlocking prosperity,” improved access to schools and increased learning achievement could increase per-capita income growth in the poorest countries by 2%. The report estimates that every $1 invested in education would generate $10-$15 in returns through higher growth.
We are glad that Gordon Brown is becoming an active advocate for education. We believe that there needs to be a drastic change in one or more spheres of life to be able to fulfill this promise of global education. It may be a technological breakthrough with prices of computers dropping and internet accessibility increasing, or may be a new learning or cultural system.