Today’s WSJ has an article on a trend in business schools these days. With jobs few, business grads are turning into entrepreneurship.
This is in our opinion, a good trend. Entrepreneurship will teach them a number of things that a regular job will not – and quickly. Business plans, cash-flow management, customer service, value to a customer, competition, recruiting, etc become not just terms or concepts these business school grads are familiar with but real issues to deal with directly! It also helps boost the economy as they generate net jobs and value to investors.
A quick bit of advice. Make sure you have a good business plan – We leave it up to you to decide if you want to write it out or just think it through. Here is a quick article on why it is very important to have a business plan.
The MBA tutors at salute this trend and have been helping aspiring entrepreneurs with business plans in a variety of ways. If you are looking at developing a business plan, our MBA tutors can help you in a number of ways be it collaborating with you to write the entire business plan, reviewing your business plan to suggest areas to improve it, providing you research support to find critical data points or building a financial model for your business plan. Read more about our business plan services here. Our MBA tutors have helped a number of our customers who have included business school graduates who just want a second opinion or those who are unfamiliar with business and need a lot of help. We can also draw upon specialists from our pool of finance tutors, accounting tutors, economic tutors and other research specialists depending on your need. We are happy to assist and welcome more entrepreneurs into this world.