Getting into a B School is no easy task! The process of selecting colleges, the long application forms, GMAT etc is an arduous and challenging task. The one way out is to seek friends or relatives who have been or are at a B School.
Another great option is read MBA student blogs. The insight shared by these MBA bloggers who discuss b-school life is very valuable!
One such MBA blogger is Reuben South at ‘Back to Business School’. He shares every bit of his MBA life! Right from when the thought an MBA struck his mind to the completion of his First year. He has something to say about every aspect of life as far as an MBA is concerned. Be it the course structure adopted, exams, blackberry, and challenges of balancing business school, work, and marriage…Reuben South has a post in his blog!
Enjoy Reuben South’s business school blog while learning more about live in b-school.