We provide statistics tutoring for a variety of statistics courses including Managerial Statistics, Statistics for Managers, Data Analysis & Statistics, Statistics Concepts & Methods, etc. We can also help you understand Probability Distributions or the difference between the Probability Density Function (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) or the difference between the Mean, Median Mode which are the Measures of Central Tendency or how to compute the Confidence Interval Estimates or tutoring for Time Series Forecasting, etc. Read on to find out how our statistics tutors can assist you with live online one-on-one statistics tutoring so you truly understand statistics and data analysis.

Common Topics Covered by Our Statistics Tutors

Our statistics tutors provide live statistics tutoring in the statistics topics covered in an MBA, CPA or CFA program including:

This is a sample list only. We will be happy to provide you statistics tutoring in the topics you need assistance with.

Textbooks Used by Our Statistics Tutoring Team

Our statistics tutors are well-versed in statistics and can tutor students using any statistics and data analysis textbook. In our experience, the most popular tutoring requests have been for:

This is only a sample list of the statistics textbooks our statistics tutoring team has used to tutor students . Your statistics tutor will use the textbook prescribed in your statistics course or your professor’s notes to assist you.

Backgrounds & Qualifications of Our Statistics Tutors

Our statistics tutors are PhDs, MBAs and CPAs.  Our tutors are typically working professionals in various organizations and so prefer not to post their profiles online. We will be happy to provide you your statistics tutor’s background before you are tutored by GraduateTutor.com.

Statistics Courses Come in “Different Shapes, Sizes and Styles”

All universities and business programs teach statistics.  However, they set different standards, focus on different topics and use a wide variety of course names.  A list of common courses / titles is provided below:

  • Introductory Statistics
    Data Analysis and Decision Making by Christian Albright, Wayne Winston and Christopher Zappe
  • Data Analysis & Statistics
  • Statistics Concepts & Methods
  • Business Statistics
  • Statistics and Management
  • Principles of Statistics & Measurements
  • Managerial Statistics
  • Statistics for Managers

We will be happy to assist you with statistics tutoring for your statistics course whatever be its name!

Statistics Courses We Have Provided Statistics Tutoring In

A sample list of courses we have tutored students in include:

  • BA 386T – Statistics, UT McCombs MBA
    Statistics for Business and Economics by Anderson, Williams and Sweeney
  • MBAA 603: Business Statistics, Loyola Maryland University
  • 6N:216 Data and Decisions University of Iowa
  • ITOM Business Statistics Cox School of Business
  • EXP 420 – Managerial Decision Analysis, Simon Graduate School, Rochester
  • BA 575: Statistics For Business, Schiller International University
  • BUS 550E: Decision Analysis, Emory
  • B6014 Managerial statistics, Columbia
  • DG7820 Statistical reasoning, Fordham
  • Statistics for management, Cornell MBA
  • OMS503 Statistical methods, Cleveland

This is only a sample list of statistics courses we have covered in the recent past. We will be happy to provide you statistics tutoring for your specific statistics class or for specific statistics questions such as when to use Norm.Dist vs. Norm.Inv? or when should I use the t-test vs. z-test (t distribution vs. z distribution)?or how to estimate the sample size required for a target Margin of Error (MoE).

Email or call us or simply fill out the sign-up form below to start live one-on-one statistics tutoring.