Our tutors come from a variety of backgrounds and can tutor a variety of topics. Please email us if you don’t see your course or program listed on our website. Here are a few examples of unique courses that we tutor students in:

Systems Dynamics

An example of unique courses we tutor include Systems Dynamics (15.736) taught in the EMBA program at MIT. This is an introduction to systems dynamics and systems thinking for EMBA participants. Prof. Sterman’s book “Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World” is the recommended text book for this course.


Pricing is a difficult task but important for managers in this complex world. A number of universities and MBA programs now have courses focused on pricing. We tutor a number of courses that integrate concepts from multiple disciplines to understand pricing.

Investment Practicum

Select MBA programs have investment funds managed by students. While there are specific investment courses, these practical courses often do not offer any theory or coursework and students are expected to study on their own. We help students understand investment analysis, equity analysis, macroeconomic analysis, etc.

Simulation using Simio or JMP

Often students need tutoring in specific software such as Simio, Tableau, JMP, etc. While we cannot offer tutoring in all kinds of software, we will be happy to assist you where we can.

Real Estate Investment Analysis

There are a number of specific real estate courses we tutor for.