Quantitative Methods for Business is a popular course in most MBA programs in today’s world. This is an essential skill and every MBA program will have multiple versions of this course and different skill levels. This course name is used in statistics, operations research departments (and sometimes economics too). We provide tutoring for the Quantitative Methods for Business course in all three departments.
Tutoring for Quantitative Methods for Business
We provide tutoring for a variety of Quantitative Methods for Business courses. There have been many text books with the name “Quantitative Methods for Business” some of which are listed below:
- Quantitative Methods for Business by Anderson, Sweeny, Williams, Camm & Martin (operations research)
- Quantitative Methods for Business by Louise Swift and Sally Piff (statistics)
- Quantitative Methods for Business by Donald Waters (statistics)
- Quantitative Methods for Business by Inc. BarCharts (limited to charts only)
- Quantitative Methods for Business by Glyn Burton, George Carrol and Stuart Wall (economics and statistics)
- Quantitative Methods for Business by Les Oakshott (statistics)
- Quantitative Methods for Business by John Buglear (operations research)
Many students initially struggle with operations research courses as it often takes a little effort and practice to get comfortable with the reasoning and intuition behind the mathematical concepts or they might not be sufficiently familiar with Microsoft Excel. However, with a little practice with a live tutor, they are able to quickly grasp the concepts because watching someone implement and demonstrate quantitative methods or implement operations research topics such as using solver or linear programming decodes the concepts far quicker than reading many pages. This is the advantage live tutoring offers for students learning operations research.
Quantitative Methods for Business by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeny, Thomas A. Williams, Jeff D. Camm & R. Kipp Martin
The text book Quantitative Methods for Business by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeny, Thomas A. Williams, Jeff D. Camm & R. Kipp Martin is a very popular textbook in operations research. The Quantitative Methods for Business text book focuses on the role quantitative methods play in the decision making process.
The Quantitative Methods for Business text book was written with a beginner in mind and so is ideal for students. The authors have done a great job in making Quantitative Methods for Business user -friendly and easy to understand with plenty of examples and illustrations. Quantitative Methods for Business describes quantitative methods thoroughly and explains how it works to a great extent! Quantitative Methods for Business shows how the decision maker can apply & interpret the quantitative methods, concepts and techniques taught in an operations research class.
Graduate Tutor’s Operations Research tutors provide live online tutoring using the Quantitative Methods for Business by Anderson, Sweeny, Williams, Camm & Martin. The content covered in Quantitative Methods for Business includes:
- Introduction To Probability
- Probability Distributions
- Decisions Analysis
- Utility And Game Theory
- Forecasting
- Introduction To Linear Programming
- Linear Programming: Sensitivity Analysis And Interpretation Of Solution
- Linear Programming Applications In Marketing, Finance And Operations Management
- Distribution And Network Models
- Integer Linear Programming
- Advanced Optimization Applications
- Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM
- Inventory Models
- Waiting Line Models
- Simulation
- Markov Processes
- Building Spreadsheet Models
- Binomial Probabilities
Quantitative Methods for Business by John Buglear
Quantitative Methods for Business by John Buglear focuses on topics mostly covered in the operations research and decision modeling classes and covers some content from the statistics and data analysis class. Its contents are very similar to the text book Quantitative Methods for Business by Anderson, Sweeny, Williams, Camm & Martin but adds contents covered in an introduction to statistics course as well.
Quantitative Methods for Business by Louise Swift
The text book Quantitative Methods for Business by Louise Swift and Sally Piff covers mostly introductory statistics and data analysis content. The topics covered are mostly introductory in nature and we have not seen it used at the graduate level.
Quantitative Methods for Business by Glyn Burton, George Carrol and Stuart Wall
Quantitative Methods for Business by Glyn Burton, George Carrol and Stuart Wall introduces quantitative methods found in an economics and statistics course. Content includes data collection, analysis and presentation, regression, time series and forecasting, probability and probability distributions, time value of money, linear programing and break even analysis, calculus and some basic math concepts widely used in business.
Quantitative Methods for Business by Donald Waters
Quantitative Methods for Business by Donald Waters focusses more on the statistics components covered in an MBA or CFA program. Donald Waters’ text book Quantitative Methods for Business is into its fourth edition and has five sections as covered below:
- Part One asks why managers use quantitative methods and reviews essential quantitative tools
- Part Two addresses data gathering, understanding, analysis and summarizing
- Part Three shows how quantitative methods and tools are used for decision making in operations research
- Part Four describes statistical methods, probabilities, sampling and statistical inference
- Part Five describes how statistical & quantitative methods are used in decision analysis, quality management, inventory control and other areas of operations management
Quantitative Methods for Business by Inc. BarCharts is limited to charts only and not relevant for GraduateTutor.com’s audience of MBA, CFA or CPA students.
Email care@graduatetutor.com or call us or simply fill out the sign up form below to start live one-on-one operations research or quantitative methods tutoring using any of the Quantitative Methods for Business text books available.
David R. Anderson
David R. Anderson is member of faculty of University of Cincinnati. David R. Anderson is Professor Emeritus of Quantitative Analysis there. He has co-authored six textbooks out of which two were co-authored by Thomas A. Williams and Dennis J. Sweeny. His best appreciated works include An Introduction to Management Science, 7th Edition, and Statistics for Business and Economics, 5th Edition.
Dennis J. Sweeny
Dennis J. Sweeny is Professor Emeritus of Quantitative Analysis. Dennis J. Sweeny was Head of the Department of Quantitative Analysis for 5 years and Associate Dean for 4 years there. Professor Sweeny has great exposure in the field of Statistics and Business which is evident from the fact that Professor Sweeney has co-authored six textbooks and 20 revised editions in the areas of statistics, management science, linear programming, and production and operations management. Quantitative Methods for Business is one of his major contributions in the history of Statistics.
Thomas A. Williams
Thomas A. Williams is Professor of Management Science in the College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Thomas A. Williams was member of faculty in College of Business Administration at the University of Cincinnati before taking charge in RIT. Along with David R. Anderson and Dennis J. Sweeny, Thomas A. Williams co-authored several textbooks for Statistics. Thomas A. Williams’ experience in Statistics and business are clearly reflected in Quantitative Methods for Business.
Jeffery D. Camm
Jeffrey D. Camm is Professor of Quantitative Analysis. Jeffrey D. Camm is also CoB Research Fellow and Head of the Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management. Discrete optimization modelling and algorithms for applications in facility location, supply chain optimization and product design are Jeffrey D. Camm’s current research interests.
Kipp Martin
Kipp Martin is Professor of Operations Research and Computing Technology in University of Chicago. . Kipp Martin has done B.A. (mathematics) in University of Cincinnati, M.B.A. (quantitative analysis) in University of Cincinnati and Ph.D. (quantitative analysis) in University of Cincinnati. Kipp Martin’s high qualifications in quantitative analysis defines his significant role in the success story of Quantitative Methods for Business