Global Economies and Markets (GEM) at Darden Business School is a two-part economics course offered by the University of Virginia’s (UVA) economics department. The first part of the Global Economies and Markets (GEM) course is usually offered in the fifth quarter (Q5) and is a required core economics course for all MBA students. The subsequent parts of the Global Economies and Markets (GEM) course offer elective economics courses for MBA students who want a deeper dive into macroeconomics. GraduateTutor’s economics tutors offer tutoring for Global Economies and Markets (GEM), as well as all of UVA’s other economics courses offered at the MBA level. This page covers what we do as economics tutors for Global Economies and Markets (GEM) and other UVA’s Darden courses.

  1. Global Economies And Markets (GEM) Course Description
  2. What do you learn in Global Economies and Markets (GEM)?
  3. Who’s Global Economies and Markets (GEM) For?
  4. Global Economies and Markets (GEM) Components
  5. Difference between Micro & Macro Economics
  6. Global Economies and Markets (GEM) Course Objectives
  7. Teaching Format For GEM
  8. Required Textbook for Global Economies and Markets (GEM)
  9. Global Economies and Markets (GEM) Grading
  10. Tutoring for Global Economies and Markets (GEM) and Other Economics Courses at Darden

Global Economies And Markets (GEM) Course Description

Global Economies and Markets (GEM) at Darden Business School helps MBA students understand how economics as policy makers, managers, or owners. While micro and macro are often presented as separate topics, Global Economies and Markets (GEM) combines both microeconomics and macroeconomics to emphasize their interactions! The first module focuses on microeconomics, while the next three parts focus on macroeconomics.

What do you learn in Global Economies and Markets (GEM)?

Global Economies and Markets is this super interesting course at Darden Business School that digs into some big economic questions. Questions, like:

  • What’s the deal with GDP?
  • Why do people get unemployed?
  • How do exchange rates, interest rates, and inflation work?
  • Why do some countries grow fast while others don’t?

Global Economies and Markets is all about answering these questions. It helps you become a savvy decision-maker, whether you’re a future policymaker, business leader, or just someone who wants to understand the economic trends that shape the world.

Who’s Global Economies and Markets (GEM) For?

GEM is perfect for anyone who wants to get a handle on economic forces. Whether you want to be a policy expert, a business leader, an investor, or just someone who wants to plan smartly for the future, GEM is for you. It’s all about understanding and navigating the ups and downs of the economy to avoid nasty recessions and manage inflation.

Global Economies and Markets (GEM) Components?

In Global Economies and Markets (GEM), you start with a focus on big economies like the U.S., Japan, and Europe. The second half? That’s where it gets global, with a look at how everything is interconnected, especially in emerging markets like Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

  1. Consumers, Firms, and Markets:
    • Basics of supply, demand, and market equilibrium.
    • How firms decide things based on marginal revenue and cost.
    • How changes in the economy affect profits.
  2. The Economy Fluctuates:
    • Why the macroeconomy matters to everyone.
    • How to interpret macroeconomic data.
    • Building models to understand GDP, unemployment, inflation, and interest rates.
  3. Fiscal and Monetary Policy as Macroeconomic Stabilizers:
    • How governments use fiscal and monetary policy to keep the economy stable.
    • Analyzing Economic Challenges:
  4. Digging into real-world economic issues like the Global Financial Crisis, stagflation, and the Pandemic Crisis.
    • Assessing the current global economic situation.

Difference Between Micro vs. Macro Economics

Microeconomics: This is all about how individual players (like firms, workers, households, and investors) react to market forces. Think of it as the small picture.

Macroeconomics: This is the big picture. It explains those market forces and predicts overall economic trends like GDP and unemployment based on individual behaviors.

So, GEM is your go-to course for understanding the economic world on both small and large scales, making you a well-rounded decision-maker in whatever role you choose.

Global Economies and Markets (GEM) Course Objectives

In the first half of GEM, you will, in Prof. Kose’s words, “have a logically consistent framework for understanding the forces that drive the macroeconomy and why these forces are relevant for firms and households.”

Teaching Format Global Economies and Markets (GEM)

Most micro and macroeconomics courses are primarily based on economics textbooks. However, the Global Economies and Markets (GEM) course uses carefully selected cases as the primary teaching tool. These cases are backed by classroom slides and discussions.

Required Textbook for Global Economies and Markets (GEM)

All the reading material you need for the Global Economies and Markets (GEM) course at the MBA level will be on CANVAS. This includes technical notes and textbook excerpts.

As indicated above, carefully selected cases are all that is required. However, if students want more reading material, the following texts are available at the Darden library.

  • Abel, Bernanke, and Croushoure (ABC), Macroeconomics,
  • Greg Mankiw’s Macroeconomics,
  • Pindyck & Rubinfeld’s Microeconomics.

These textbooks are not mandatory as class assignments are self-contained and do not require additional purchases.

Grading Pattern for Global Economies and Markets (GEM)

The bulk of the grade -50% – Global Economies and Markets (GEM) course is based on a final exam. 35% will be based on class contributions and participation in class discussions. 35% will be based on online quizzes.  Quizzes are spread over the entire quarter and the objective of these quizzes is to help student practice concepts covered in class.

Tutoring for Global Economies and Markets (GEM) and Other Economics Courses at Darden Business School, UVA

While Global Economies and Markets (GEM) course is the only required macro course, the macro economics faculty at Darden, UVA offers the following elective courses:

GraduateTutor’s economics tutors offer tutoring for all of UVA economics courses. Please email or call us if we can provide you economics tutoring for Global Economies and Markets or other economics courses at Darden. Or for that matter any other quantitative course you will encounter in a b-school program.