We have spoken about the importance of practice and especially CFA® exam practice. To help CFA® Level I students get more practice with their exam, we have developed a series of CFA Level I mock exams. It is highly recommended that student set aside 3 hours for each part Level I Chartered Financial Analyst® Mock Examination session to best simulate the CFA exam day experience:

The morning session of the Level 1 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) Mock Examination has 120 questions. To best simulate the CFA level 1 exam day experience, students are advised to allocate an average of 1.5 minutes per question for a total of 180 minutes or 3 hours for the morning session of the CFA Level 1 exam.

When you are ready, start your timer and click here for the morning session of the morning session of the Level 1 CFA Mock exam.

The evening session of the Level 1 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) Mock Examination also has 120 questions. To best simulate the CFA level 1 exam day experience, students are advised to allocate an average of 1.5 minutes per question for a total of 180 minutes or 3 hours for the eveningsession of the CFA Level 1 exam.

When you are ready, start your timer and click here for the evening session of the Level 1 CFA Mock exam.

PS: Remember to provide your email address so a copy of your results and performance can be emailed to you.


Note: The CFA, Chartered Financial Analyst and CFA institute are registered trademarks of the CFA Institute.