Finance Tutoring with CPA, CFA PhD & MBA Tutors

This page lists recent articles related to corporate finance on this website.

Tutoring for Financial Management: Theory & Practice by Eugene F. Brigham and Michael C. Ehrhardt

We provide corporate finance tutoring for the topics covered in the corporate finance text book titled ‘Financial Management: Theory & Practice’ by Brigham and Ehrhardt.

The ABCs of DCF Valuation & Modeling

Discounted Cash Flow valuation or DCF valuation is a topic every MBA student will encounter in an MBA or CFA program. Therefore, as tutors to CFA and MBA students worldwide, it is not surprising that we get many requests to tutor students on DCF or discounted cash flow valuation models. We summarize over a decade […] Read more

Free Cash Flow to Equity vs. Free Cash Flow to the Firm

cash flows refer to the cash generated in the business during a specific time period after meeting all business obligations. This cash flow is often referred to as ‘free cash flow’ indicating that the business has met all its obligations (operating payments and capital expenditure payments) and the business is free to do whatever it pleases with this cash flow.

Business Valuation using Multiples: Groupon’s Business Valuation

Here is a case study on multiples based valuation. Are the business valuation concepts you learn in class used in business valuations in the real world? Looks like a resounding YES! So make sure you get your MBA finance concepts clear. You may be called to use it in the near future!

Business Plans and Business Models’s CPA, CFA and/or MBA tutors can assist you in building your business plans and financial models. Do contact us if we can assist you in creating a well thought out and through business plan.

Investing in Distressed Assets

Investing in distressed assets can be very profitable investment but one that also has a high degree of risk. If you are interested in learning more about investing in distressed assets, please do call or email us. Our finance tutors will be happy to assist you in learning how to evaluate and model opportunities.

Modeling Projected or Forecasted Financial Statements (without a plug!) Book

Forecasting or projecting financial statements out into the future is an essential skill for an MBA, finance or accounting professional. Unfortunately, with so much content required to be covered in a short period of time of time, not many MBA students have the time and opportunity to develop the skills to forecast or project financial […] Read more

Tutoring for Equity Valuation & Analysis Text Book

Professors Russell Lundholm and Richard Sloan have a unique corporate finance text book titled “Equity Valuation and Analysis with eVal”. This has become a text book we now recommend to those who are interested in learning valuation but not in a formal MBA program or finance or valuation course because of its approach, structure and the […] Read more

Modeling Leveraged Buyouts – Simplified! – Book or Workshop?

The book Modeling Leveraged Buyouts – Simplified is available as an Amazon Kindle edition! A leveraged buyout (LBO) is the acquisition of a company by a private equity firm or a group of investors using a significant quantity of debt or leverage. It is very similar to buying a house using a combination of a […] Read more

Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management by Louis C. Gapenski

Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management by Louis C. Gapenski  is an introductory accounting and finance text book focusing on various nuances in healthcare and finance. Our corporate finance tutors have use this book to tutor many doctors and registered nurses who have chose to do an MBA with a health care […] Read more