Live Online Private Tutoring

Light Bulb effect of tutoring provides live online private tutoring primarily for business school students and working professionals.’s mission is to make learning easier. We make learning easier, more personal and more convenient with live one-on-one tutoring. tutors students in most quantitative courses covered in business schools including finance, accounting, statistics, financial modeling, operations research, data analysis, economics and decision- making.

We are an educational service that serves universities and university students and that abides by generally accepted honor codes.

Our Customers

Graduate Tutor’s students are primarily business school students. Over 90% of these are graduate students getting their MBA. We also classify our customers based on their needs:

  • Many of our students  have significant academic achievements  but struggle with a particular subject.
  • Some of our students are already in the top quartile of their respective classes but want to do some additional study to stay ahead of their class.
  • Others are working professionals or executives interested in learning a specific business topic or getting a refresher on something they learnt while they were at B-school due to a need at work.

Background & Locations was founded by Senith Mathews (you can find him at @senith on twitter) based on his experiences as a student tutor during his MBA days in Dallas, TX.  Today, the firm is run by a handful of passionate professionals who enjoy teaching.

Graduate Tutor was incorporated as an L.L.C. in the state of Texas. Our operational office is currently in New Jersey and we are in the process of setting up a back office in Chennai, India.  In our opinion, the questions that really count are “Where are your faculty located”? and “Where are your students from?”. The map below will address these questions:

Graduate Tutor's students and tutors locations also provides online tutoring to many overseas students. We have tutored students studying in the UK, France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Korea, Japan, Egypt, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.


Here are a few links that provide more details on who we are:

– What does GraduateTutor do?
– What will GraduateTutor not do?

Some books we have out on

Please email or call us with any questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you.