Statistical data analysis is a process of making sense out of a data set. The goal of statistical data analysis is to gain insight from data.
Statistical data analysis to most people is the computation of an average!! This however is only the beginning of statistical data analysis. Various techniques and tools aid in statistical data analysis. Preliminary data analysis is provided by a quick review of its central tendency, variation and shape. Data can be presented in various graphical and tabular methods to facilitate statistical data analysis. Further probabilistic, forecasting, simulation and other decision making techniques can be applied in statistical data analysis.
Statistical data analysis is important in any field. Statistical data analysis assists executives in decision making. Statistical data analysis assists social scientists to understand behavior. Statistical data analysis assists researchers understand and analyze the results of various experiments.
Graduate Tutor’s Statistics Tutor group consists of CPA and MBA tutors who can tutor you on various statistical data analysis techniques. Our Statistics tutors can also tutor you on a variety of statistical tools that are used in statistical data analysis including Crystal Ball and Precision tools.
Sample topics that Graduate Tutor’s Statistics Tutor group can tutor you in data analysis include:
Central tendency
Geometric mean
Geometric mean rate of return
Interquartile range
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variance
Symmetric data set
Skewed data set
Graduate Tutor's expert tutors consist of MBA, CPAs or CFAs who can provide you homework tutoring on a variety of business topics in addition to tutoring on statistical data analysis. Email us for more information.
Central tendency has great significance in Statistical data analysis. It refers to the single typical value which describes a data set. Arithmetic mean or Mean, Median and Mode are the measures of central tendency, which are widely used in Statistical data analysis.
Variation is a classic tool used in data analysis which gives the amount of dispersion in a data set. Two sets of data may have different central tendency and variation, same central tendency but different variance or same variance but different central tendency. Measures of Variation vividly used in Data analysis are Range, Interquartile range, variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variance.
Shape or the pattern in which data is distributed in a data set is also an important tool in data analysis. The shape of a data set can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical (or skewed). Skewed in turn can be right skewed or left skewed depending on its mean and median.