Standard Deviation Tutoring and Homework help

Standard Deviation is the most commonly used measure of variation. It is defined as the square root of variance. Standard Deviation is very significant in statistical data analysis. Unlike other measures of variation except variance, Standard Deviation evaluates how all the values in the data set are distributed. This unique characteristic of Standard Deviation and variance makes it very useful in statistical data analysis. Standard Deviation can never take negative values.

Graduate Tutor's Statistics Tutor Group can tutor you in theory and applications of Standard Deviation. The Tutor group can also tutor you on why Standard Deviation cannot ever take negative values and more. The following is a sample of the topics you can get online tutoring or homework help with a private tutor.


  • Computation of Standard Deviation
  • Method to interpret Standard Deviation
  • What the Standard Deviation indicates
  • Relationship of Standard Deviation with other statistical variables

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